Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Friday, June 28, 2013

A little tour

I thought I'd show you some of the garden today, the parts that are looking nice at least.

Giant Russian sunflowers - seeds from Eric's grandma. They drink a lot of water!

One snake lives in the compost and another lives by the front door. Here's the skin of the front-door snake.

The neighbor has a giant lavender patch so I helped myself to a little. It is making the whole house smell lovely. And those roses are from the climbing rose bush I have under the bedroom window, and they are exceptionally smelly also.

The rose bush in question.

Here the pink yarrow is becoming mighty and the other blooming rose bush shows its stuff. This one has perfect, ideal red rose flowers but they aren't quite as rose-smelling as the other ones.

Here's the little punkus hisself. This is how I found him in the crib this morning, happy as can be. I put him in there long-ways, you know. No rolling over, still, but plenty of squirming! And smiling!

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