Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Right to Repair!

Sign the petition today if you like!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The prince receives his tribute


Ben came in our bedroom, squinting from my sun lamp, and instantly found our bedside pistachio stash. He deigned to eat one at a time as long as he was continuously supplied.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Ben reads The Little Red Hen

 Starring Julie cat, Daddo pig, and Benno duck.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

coding with oscar!!! (sorry if i missspelt some words)

 hello to day i am going to show you how to make a siple batch script 

(be careful how you pronose it cuz it cud sound like "bash" wich is another codeing lagwige)

1.the 1st thing you whant to do is open notepad so click the windows button and type notpad into the sershbar and click notepad type in notepad "@echo OFF" wich will hide all comands (VARY INPORTENT) you do not havt to do this but you may also in a line after "@echo OFF" type "color 0a" for awesome text type echo (nothing to do with @echo OFF) then some text like "you are awesome" wich will display that text
4.5/i forgot to thake a pic but at the end put "pause" save file as .bat not txt

6. run the file