Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

a happy half-birthday to a certain someone!

Can you believe it? A whole six months!

In honor of this momentous occasion, we have successfully transferred Oscar to his own crib (a loaner from Karl while they're in France). It is strange to be able to read in bed again with the light from my own lamp which no longer shines directly in Oscar's eyes. It is also strange to eat only for myself these days! Oscar doesn't mind the crib at all; the cats are very happy to have a much larger mattress to share with him. The mobile from Uncle Brian and Aunt Margie is now in use and is very helpful in getting him to fall asleep (even though it seems like it would be terrifying, with giant leaves that menacingly fold in towards his head). We don't have to feed him until he's asleep anymore, nor do we have to walk him around. Changes, changes!

Look at him manipulate that bottle!

These are the pictures Eric doesn't want you to see, taken a few weeks ago but perfect for this day.
What are you looking at?

Honh honh honh! Qu'est-ce que tu veux?

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