Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Monday, April 13, 2020

Keeping ourselves entertained

We've been at home since... March 13th. We went on one trip to Sleepy Hollow State Park, which has nice, wide trails, but we haven't really been out anywhere since the stay at home order happened. But we're doing lots of baking and cleaning and robot creating! And so much reading. Not too bad!

We did all get sick from something Edie brought home from daycare, and I got tested to confirm it was NOT coronavirus, phew. But now we're all better and don't plan on getting sick again.

One day I will get Eric to make a post with all the photos he's been storing up on his phone, but it will probably have to wait until he's done teaching. Only three more classes!

The children made themselves a sand castle.

Pocky and Edie are best buds!

I am guarded by cat sentries.
Here we are at Sleepy Hollow State Park. I made the children stop so I could take their picture.

There's a nice lake I might kayak on one day. The gentlemen obliged me by letting me take their picture also.

Edie did not.

After about 20 minutes of walking the children needed a break, and lo and behold, a bench appeared!
We headed for an island on a trail shared by horses. We didn't see any horses but we did see their hitching posts and mounting steps. So naturally Eric turned into a horsie....
John found some shelf fungi on the tree behind him and demanded that I take a picture. I thought he meant of the fungus, but really he meant of him.

We made it to the island! And found another horse-mounting spot.

On our return from the island, Edie kept running in front and demanding to know the password. Fortunately she also told us the password, which was "Mom" or "Dad" or "Oscar" or "John". Solid password choices. But this led everyone to keep running to be in front so they could give the password. And naturally this led to everyone walking backwards for a spell. Here they are, walking away from me.

 Edie decided nap time should happen NOW. So she had a little dirt nap.

Edie loves being a witch. She hasn't yet worn the hat while carrying the broom, but it's coming...

 This is how we used to find them in the morning. Now they have found all the show-watching devices, so they tend to do that instead, but for a brief period they would all be reading together on the vents before breakfast.

 Since we were are staying away from playgrounds, we brought the playground to us! The dome is a big hit for all the monkeys. And Edie was a good helper while it was constructed.

I finally finished reading the Voyage of the Beagle. Towards the end there were many choice phrases and I read great chunks of it out loud to Eric. He at least didn't walk away while I did this. Here Darwin is quoting someone else who is the only person (as far as the internet knows) who calls this tree what he does.

 Our neighbor has this all over her front yard. It's so cute! 

We keep having sunny, spring-like days, followed by snow, or hail, or both. But the sun keeps coming back and we keep taking full advantage.

Edie's into dining Roman-style.

Even Golden Beans has been getting in on the sunshine!

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