Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thoughts of a paralyzed rabbit

I wonder what it is like being paralyzed. I like to think of it as if your bottom half has fallen asleep and no matter how much you try you cant wake it up. I wonder if Oslo even knows his legs are not working or did he just wake up and realize the walking had become extremely hard for some reason. Either way he doesn't seem to understand physical therapy. I mean for a human, we can rationalize paralysis, realize we have to work to get rid of it and force ourselves to use our legs. A rabbit can do none of these things and therefore all work to get the legs working again has to come from us.
Margaret is exceptionally good at this. Waking up at all hours, going out to see him, comforting my melancholy about the situation, etc. My one comfort is it brings be closer to Oslo. I can learn about his anatomy and bunny hood. This is a good venture into being a bunny owner. I suppose that if I continue to own them for the rest of my life this was bound to happen and now I know what to do. So I guess its not a complete loss but I am sorry for the little guy.
We should start to see significant improvement in 2 or so weeks. So we are hopeful. In the mean time we get to play with him 6 times a day and feed him all the delicious things from our pantry. If this is going to be it for him at least he is going out with a belly full of apples and bok choy.

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