Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Saturday, September 24, 2011

fun and not fun

I went to Estes Park today and did a lot of singing. We sound good! It was a beautiful day and everyone brought lots of good food and was very friendly. Fun!

Right before lunch Eric called me. Oslo Buns couldn't move his back legs. Not fun. I had left the car far away in Fort Collins where I met my ride to Estes Park. Ditto not fun.

Turns out one of Oslo's disks collapsed in his spine. We don't know why. He can pee and poop just fine, and has sensitivity all the way to his toes, but the inflammation around the collapsed disk means that his nerves are compressed and not signaling properly. He has to go to acupuncture therapy a couple times a week and we have to do physical therapy with him every few hours. The place Eric took him said they have seen rabbits completely recover from similar in kind but worse in degree injuries. After the first acupuncture treatment today he could wiggle his big toes!

He is a very sad looking rabbit right now. He loves to hop away from people and charging and rearranging things on the floor and now he cannot do these things. If we are petting him too much (he thinks there is such a thing) and wants to get away he cannot. All his rabbity instincts are not functional. Also he had diarrhea for a while so his butt is quite filthy!

Oh Oslo. I am so sad this happened and so glad we can help you get better! Soon you will again be terrorizing our minds!

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