The whale is still awake at 1am on a sunday night. The whale starts a new lab tomorrow. The best thing for butterflies in a whale's tummy is grinding until some undefined point at which time he drinks a cup of over sweetened artificial lemonade and passes out from a video-game induced sugar coma.
Also, The Legion now has Vent which escalates my nerdiness and my game play experience. Whether that is a good or bad thing it remains to be seen but at least I don't have to actually socialize with people.
Also my head is now a fuzzy peach like a whale's should be. Streamlined like a torpedo. This is all slang for shaved. I look like a cancer patient, pedophile, racist, slightly militant moby but at least it feels nice and my hats are now Velcro-ed to my head.
That's all...I think I hear my sea-Buns scuffling so it's off to cuddle-topia where I am the snuggle king and all my soft-little servants obey my every whim...
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