Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April, cruelty, the same old story.

There's snow in our forecast for the next week, but it should only just go below freezing tonight. I'm glad I haven't moved any house plants outside yet, and that only the cherry tree has bloomed so far. With a little luck we may have peaches this year!

Oscar is being a good big brother so far. He has decided that he is Finn, I am Jake, Eric is the princess, and John is the Ice King. These are the characters from Adventure Time, Eric and Oscar's current favorite cartoon. Eric would really prefer that I be the princess, but Oscar won't hear of it! He played with trains this weekend, and almost understands that they go around the track. He also had a rocking dance party with some nice yoga moves thrown in.

John is also showing signs of being a cat baby. He had his first checkup yesterday - a whopping 8 pounds 4 ounces, so a gain of almost a pound since his last weight check. The doctor said he's a perfect baby, so we're all very pleased. They did not do anything exciting like measure his head or his length, but he managed to pee all over everything so he made it exciting. He did not pee on the doctor (yet).

Now I'm actually going to work on my thesis. Wish me luck!

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