Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dr. Zamboni strikes again!

These people are trusting their lives to the theory of one Dr. Zamboni. Shouldn't his name be like a really big clue that he's a total crackpot?

The idea is that narrowing of veins in the head and neck prevents blood from draining from the brain, causing MS. So using balloon angioplasty these veins can be reshaped and the MS is cured!

This completely contradicts current theories about MS, which is that it is an autoimmune type disorder due to improper localization of immune system cells in the brain. Once these cells are in the brain they attack it!

I guess both these ideas sound pretty farfetched - can bodies really do these things? Also, people have responded to treatment to get their veins opened up, and many people with MS do have narrowed veins in their neck. Zamboni may just be on to something.

Would you trust a Dr. Zamboni? Remember, Sarah Palin wanted to name her son Zamboni.

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