Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

First day of school

We took no celebratory pictures, the whole thing has been kind of a let-down. No one knows how to use Google Meet since everything was done on Zoom in the spring. And there was only a morning "say hello" meeting and then no more school for the rest of the day! What a bust!

Regardless, hurray to John for starting kindergarten and hurray to Oscar for moving up to second grade! They've been leveling up in various apps on their school-issued iPads today, and then next week they go to the Hannah Community Center for "Remote Learning Enrichment Camp". Even if they learn nothing from their teachers, at least they will have some other kids to play virus tag with.

But there is someone I want to show you some pictures of, one Ben Brigham Patterson! Almost two weeks old! He showed up a little early and fortunately his birth was uncomplicated, and now he's settling in nicely. Let's see what he's been up to:

Fresh baby!

He's very nice, so everybody likes him, and he's got the hard part already figured out: good eater, good sleeper. Hurray for Ben! We're so glad you're here!

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