We stopped a little way in for a bit to eat, and then Edie insisted on walking and John on being carried. Which was great, except Edie wanted to pick up every ding-dang stick, and couldn't tell the difference between a stick and a tree root! She also objected fiercely to holding hands over rough terrain, and to falling on the rough terrain, and to being airlifted over all the roots she was trying to pick up. But once we got to the waterfall she forgot about all that.
John and Oscar both took turns carrying the backpack on the way out, and I took turns carrying them. We got rained on a little bit, just enough to make things exciting. And Oscar was such a pleasanter companion than the fall - we've all come a long, long way. All in all, an excellent adventure!
Vine with thorns
The second crossing
Oh, these brothers!
Wait for it...
A euphorb
A handsome leaf
John says, Uhhhh! My legs hurt!
Can you find the boy in camouflage?
We made it! We almost turned back about two minutes away from the falls! They are so loud for so long, it's hard to know just how far away they are.
She's crying because she hit Eric in the head with her own graham cracker
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