Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Field trip!

The move is becoming real. Our house is on the market, we finished painting, we upgraded the master bathroom, and I even washed the front porch railings. We've had three showings, but no offers yet. We have never lived in such a clean house before! And, unlike in Fort Collins, it doesn't feel like our belongings are under pressure, ready to leap out of overstuffed drawers and closets. Instead it feels like we finally put all our stuff away, and it is grand.

The biggest challenge, of course, is keeping everything put away. Now the children are excited about getting out the toys that have been tidied up, and pulling all the books onto the floor....

Here John reads on our newest fancy loveseat in the adamantly not beige/dark beige library.

Edie demands to help with all cooking. She's a good water-pourer, and wiper with the towel.

We had the third showing on Sunday, which was supposed to be very rainy and cold. And it was! So I took the boys to Atlanta to see Uncle Mark and some vanilla orchids, and left Eric home with Edie. I also happened to take all the strollers and the umbrella with us, so Eric wisely decamped to the neighbors' house while strangers toured ours.

We had a great time in Atlanta! Mark treated me to a beerspresso, the strangest coffee drink I've had so far, and treated the boys to fancy drawing paper and sharpies. Many turtles were drawn by all. Then we got to see turtles and tortoises in real life at the botanical garden, along with fancy frogs and orchids. The boys were very wicked and played in all the water features and pulled on all the plant leaves but ultimately did no harm. So actually I guess they were pretty good!

I believe this guy is Eva's dear friend! (or research subject, the line gets a little blurry maybe)

Clearly up to no good.

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