Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cat children

Oscar has learned that Garage will play with him and a string. He has also learned to pet the cats gently, from front to back, and now he often declares "Pocky is my best bud!" At dinner last night he fed John bites of his cereal bar and yogurt and pet John on the head before saying "John is my best bud!"

Last night I showed him that you could tuck the end of the string into your pants and pretend it is a tail, but then he was very sad to put on onesy pajamas that precluded a tail.

John, like all good cat babies, loves chasing the string too.

Here they all are, rampaging again.

Also, we were pleased to welcome Blanche Fox Steenman into our home last night, courtesy of Amazon. Oscar and John were quickly introduced to the Indian War Dance and the Wild Horseman, played with healthy vigor if not aplomb. The things your fingers can remember!

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