Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Saturday, October 10, 2015

the happy hocky family

So I will start my new post-doc in mid-December! I submitted my application on 9/26, interviewed on 10/2, and was offered the position on 10/5 aka Monday. I will study how RNA integrity in seeds can be correlated to seed germination rates and viability. It is a government position, through the USDA, with guaranteed funding for two years, and all the good jutes that goes along with real jobs. We are still wrapping our heads around the news.

We just broke out the camera Paul gave us, so there might be more pictures soon. Eric has always preferred taking video with his phone over pictures, especially because the camera isn't too great.

Starfish boy in his zipadee-zip. I can't decide if the outfit does anything particularly special, but I do like that it encloses his hands. Maybe it's worth it for that alone. Also, John slept through the night last night while wearing it. Coincidence? Definitely.

And a suite of videos. The last one is killer!

The turtle swims:

Oscar right after his first bee sting:

Sleepy boy:

Spying on the brothers:

John rolls and rolls:

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