Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day: a day to work hard on your own projects.

We had a great Labor Day weekend - we worked our butts off! The patio is complete, with plants installed in the gardens which are edged and mulched. More gardens got edging courtesy of Eric, until he disturbed a bee's nest and got stung in the armpit. Coincidentally, Oscar also complained of a bee biting him and needing an ice rag in his armpit. I weeded so much bindweed. Even if it all comes back ten-fold, at least it won't trip us right now. I also finally weeded the side yard and uncovered garden space that I can stuff oh, at least 100 bulbs into.... We vacuumed, did laundry, and Eric made burritos for lunch all week. Things are shaping up nicely! We'll have fancy pictures of the patio soon, including the nice stones with ferns in them.

But enough with the words. On to the display!

Taken by Oscar! He also took a lot of pictures of Turtle Princess.

He is the chief, he wears all the bibs. In the Wedding Procession of the Rag Doll and the Broom Handle, Oscar would march with the dirty bibs.

Finally, we're all growing up. I had my first (and hopefully only) root canal on Friday. Dentists are pretty strange, is what I learned. And little John is rolling over! Here is a nice video of baby torture.

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