Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

yarn baby

Clearly working full-time is hindering my blogging! At least I'm making lots of progress on my research.

At any rate, my friend Barbara gave me a box full of weaving yarn that her neighbor had given her. And Oscar decided to investigate.

I think he liked what he saw! Also, the outfit he's wearing says "Little Space Monkey". I like it, but who decided that was what a baby outfit needed? Baby clothes often baffle me. Why do they all have pockets? Have you ever seen a baby use its pockets? What have you got in your pocket?

1 comment:

    Do you know what's in my pottet?
    Such a lot of treasures in it
    Listen now while I bedinit.
    Such a lot of sings it holds
    And everysing dats in my pottet
    And when and where and how I dot it!

    First of all here's in my pottet
    A beauty shell I pit'd it up
    and here's the handle of a tup
    That someone has braked at tea
    The shell's a hole in it you see.
    Nobody knows dat I've dot it.
    I teep it safe in my pottet.
    And here's my pennies one,two,free
    That Aunt Mary Dave to me.
    To-morrow I will buy a spade
    When I'm out walking with the maid
    I tan't put dat in my pottet
    But I can use it when I've dot it.

    Here's some more sings in my pottet
    Here's my bead and here's my string
    And once I hand an iron ring
    But through a hole it lost one day
    And this is what I always say
    A hole's the worst sing in a pottet
    Be sure and mend it when you've dot it.

    Great Grandma Flo read this to me when I was very young~Enjoy, Grammy Sue
