Spring is here with lots of new adventures starting up. I (Eric) have been invited to join a gang of Brazilians (and one Honduran) in a weekly soccer match.
Last weekend was our first game. I played well but felt completely wrecked by the amount of running. The kids came and played on the playground with Margaret and watched the game.
Oscar made friends with a Brazilian who was on a smoke break. Oscar Made sure to tell him smoking will give him cancer.
My post-doc is leaving for greener pastures so on the same day we went to an old-school roller rink and tried skating to celebrate....the kids did not enjoy it much and so the skates came off after a couple of minutes and we spent the rest of the time at the ice-cream parlor and arcade.
Also the magnolia on the way to school is blooming big time....its definitely a magic elven tree so you (and by you I mean John) need to spend some time frolicking under it.