Reverse Chronological!
Margarets first dinner back with the crew after her visit to MerryLand.
Who would live in a house this purple? Grimace?
Regardless of what your opinions on purple houses are, you have to admit, its better then whatever color was there before....
My Birthday dinner while Mawg was away. Thanks G-Ma!
Ben likes sittin' in the mud more than sittin' in the water!
We now have two avid Popeye readers.
I am 90% sure Oscar wasnt faking when he fell asleep like this. John couldn't care less, in fact he might of even liked it!
I went upstairs to put Ben to nap and came back down to the saddest girl you ever did see!
She put fake poop in her hair (it was actually some sort of sticky rubber substance)
After much deliberation and thought I tried 1) Vegetable oils of all sorts, 2) Conditioner, 3) Peanut butter and then I went nuclear and used 4) WD 40. With WD40 I was able to get 90% of her hair from the clump but the rest was a lost cause.... It was time for the scissors
But in the end it wasn't much and isn't that noticeable....if anything she just has a new summer doo.
Oscar setting up a place to relax in the sun.
The squad, playing nicely for a few minutes
These two have something special!
John likes to make a diorama/shine of his favorite things before bed every night.
Popsicles with friends....Summer is here!
These two....
Its a modern space race! Drawing planets and describing their major imports/exports. Oscar is getting really into city simulators....
A really amazing catfish Oscar sculpted in art class.
Getting ice cream after a 5 mile mountain bike trip.
Ben Boy, Um-Bye-Yay!
Classic Ben.
Our neighbor, Mr Cafagna, is passing away form cancer. He is a long time member of the elite MG car owners club so his Homies all came and gave him a special parade right down our street!
Citizen Science! Helping collect dandelion seeds for some experiments....
THESE two...
Told you they had something special!
Birthday board to keep track of all of youz!
Sumer is the bes'
Workin hard.
Inseparable sweeties!
Way back in the day, the beginning of spring.
Johns B-Day!
Presents form G-Ma and G-Pa
Life's good!