Pepper Party

Pepper Party

Thursday, March 29, 2018

hungry hungry Edie

OK, one more video of Edie before it's John's turn to dominate!

She, like her brothers (and mother) loves her some toast.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

clicky mouth!

Here is Edie to tell you what, and grab your face.

And then Edie and I had a little chat about what she could and could not grab.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Clemson visit!

Two weeks ago we went to Clemson to see the lab and try to buy a house. Well, we found a house! And we got to do a few other things too.

 We got there! First stop, Atlanta GA to say hello to Mark and Kristine. We got to the restaurant first, so that's who got to be in the photo.

There's an enormous bamboo in the stairwell of our building. It's 2.5 stories tall.

Edie has two teeth, and loves to grab your face!

I love this picture with only Edie blurry.

She is very strong!

On our last day we went for a walk near the apartment we were staying in. The apartment was gross and depressing, but this walk made us feel much more hopeful.

 We spotted a turtle! A good omen for sure.


What is this crazy yellow plant? A raspberry/rose hybrid?

Friday, March 23, 2018

odds and ends

Just a few more other pictures before we get to the good stuff...

Rock candy experiment: started out great, but.... we were storing the containers on top of the dryer. And I had to dry some clothes in the dryer. So to keep the crystals from getting shaken off the sticks over the course of an hour, I moved the containers to a more permanent, stable surface. Which shook all the crystals off the sticks immediately! Oh well, better luck next time.

This is Oscar's plant, Rock. He bought it himself, with some birthday money (I continued a grand tradition and helped him out with purchasing the pot). He named it himself, too, with some guidance. His first choice was Edie.

Our first official box was packed for moving! We have a lot of other boxes full of stuff, but none of them are actually packed. This is the only such box to exist so far. Our house is still very tidy!

A sun-baby. I have pictures of Oscar and John in that patch of sun, I'll have to see if I can find the same outfit for Edie too. It's a very attractive sun-patch!

My winter aconite bloomed! Such a cheery fleck of yellow. That spot could use about 40 more of these, because they are currently so separated that from the kitchen window it just looks like bits of trash in the garden. Bright and cheery, though.


 Spot the cat, my favorite game!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Garden tour

So we're moving to Clemson, SC. Our house was shown to buyers at the beginning of March - the first people to see it made us an offer, and that sale is proceeding (bumpily). In case the deal had problems, we also listed our house for backup offers, and I sifted through all the photos to give our realtor some of the gardens in bloom. She didn't end up using any of these in the listing, but it is a nice collection. It's funny to see that I managed to take pictures without any people in them. I also know some things I want more pictures of before we move!